Even as an IBCLC lactation consultant (the healthcare professional with the most didactic and clinical training in human lactation), the concept of how breastfeeding and milk production are tied to lifelong breast health has always been rather abstract in my education.
That has changed, and I’m ready to talk to everyone about it.
It has been a revelation to me, and this will be a revolution in how people think about breastfeeding.
I was awake half the night thinking about it.
The idea that breastfeeding is about babies is incredibly narrow-minded, and the concept of infant feeding “choice” has been promoted by for-profit infant formula companies because it benefits their shareholders.
Do you know who loses when mothers “choose” (without the full amount of accurate information) not to breastfeed?
Hint: it’s not only the babies.
There is no substitute for the transformative effect of the process of breastfeeding and milk production on the cells of the breast.
Nothing else transforms the mammary gland in the way that breastfeeding does, and that transformation makes the breast less susceptible to cancer.
This is what the science tells us.
Yet, we allow the marketing of infant formula to continue without any regulations.
Our culture repeats the messaging and slogans of for-profit formula companies when talking about breastfeeding instead of educating, facilitating, supporting, and elevating the people who need it the most in order to thrive: those who are or could become pregnant and their children.
If you are ready to get your hands dirty and join this revolution, I sincerely hope you will begin by getting the facts.
Enroll in the comprehensive course on breast health that I created in partnership with Annie Frisbie of Paperless Lactation.
Here’s how you can do that: Beyond Lactation: Advanced Breast Health Insights for Lactation Professionals is available here.
Here are some ways you can continue to learn and connect with me:
A book - Evolving the Modern Breastfeeding Experience: Holistic Lactation Care in the First 100 Hours, which you can buy here.
A course - Holistic Lactation Care in the First 100 Hours: A Masterclass in Early Lactation Care, which you can purchase here.
A comprehensive course on Paperless Lactation - Beyond Lactation: Advanced Breast Health Insights for Lactation Professionals, which you can purchase here.
A private podcast feed - you can sign up for free here.
9 new episodes of the Evolve Lactation Podcast - you can listen here.
And 50 (!) articles right here on Substack - you can look at everything here. - Some of these have free downloads inside them, too!