💌 I’m hopping into your inbox with something EXTRA fun today…
If you've been following me for a bit, you know that my course, The First 100 Hours Masterclass has been offered in multiple different formats:
as part of a much larger curriculum
a digital course with online videos
a membership community with includes online videos, audio, a private podcast feed, downloads to print, coaching calls
a Substack blog/newsletter with articles to read, audio versions for listening, and videos
Why am I taking you on this little journey into the history of The First 100 Hours Masterclass?
Because I want you to see how this course has adapted - and how I have adapted - over the past 5 years to allow me freedom and flexibility in my work.
As I learned more and more about what works, what my audience needs, and what is the simplest way for me to teach the course, I've made shifts along the way, and this course and its companion book have continued to bring me income and build my audience.
Those connections I make (like my connection with YOU!) mean that I can create new ways to serve - like my coaching calls - and to reach even more people.
You can do this, too.
You can build your own online course to grow your lactation or birth practice, and - here's the best part - you can make it look and function however you want.
Want to create a prenatal breastfeeding course that consists of audio files you record for your learners?
How about a course where your voice teaches your lactation clients about starting solids as you talk through the slides on the screen?
What if you could build a course about how to get off to a great start with breastfeeding (even when you’ve felt unsuccessful in the past) that meets online on Zoom once a week for 8 weeks and you teach live and/or facilitate discussion?
Why not teach your prenatal clients about how to express and store their milk by writing a course that consists of a series of emails or Substack posts?
You can build an online course for your prenatal or postpartum clients any way YOU want, no matter who you are or who your target audience is.
This doesn’t have to be difficult.
But it needs to be organized and intentional.
I’d LOVE to invite you to join me inside Amy Porterfield’s private Bootcamp designed to help you come up with and create a digital course of your very own. 🎉 (No ideas, experience, or audience required! 🙌)
Click here to learn more and save your seat! >>
Amy has created 8 digital courses… with multiple millions in revenue a pop.
She’s also the kindest, clearest teacher I know – and my personal instructor as I created The First 100 Hours Masterclass.
I can't even begin to tell you how much she has inspired and encouraged me through this journey.
In the Bootcamp, you’ll be implementing her amazingly simple and effective tools and making decisions about your course alongside an exclusive community of people just like yourself who are exploring online education as a means of expanding their services, building relationships with their potential clientele, and sharing their unique expertise.
And I’ll be right alongside you, sharing my own insights every step of the way!
The Bootcamp Includes:
What you might teach in a digital course (even if you’re showing up with zero ideas)
What you’d be able to charge (based on examples across TONS of industries)
How to grow an audience NOW that’s ready to enroll when you’re ready to launch
ALLLLL for $47. ( Are you kidding me?! 😱)
If you’re a HECK YES on digital courses – or even an “I’m intrigued…” – click here to save your seat for Course Confident with Amy P. and me.
I will be working through all of it with you and offering you the extra help & encouragement that can only come from someone inside your “industry!”
As a bonus for signing up for the Course Confident Bootcamp through my link, you will get a link to sign up for a 30-minute Strategy Session with me.
Please do let me know if you've got any questions at all. The links to the Bootcamp have all the details you need, and you can always Hit Reply to this email to reach me.
I'm proud to be able to share this opportunity with you because I know how much The First 100 Hours Masterclass - in all of its various forms! - has changed my life. I really hope to see you inside the Bootcamp - it's going to be an exciting and motivating kickoff for the final quarter of 2024!
I partner with Amy Porterfield to share information about the courses she offers because I believe that you can learn concepts from her which can help to shape and grow your lactation or birth business in an ethical way. This business affiliation aligns with my Lactation Practice Philosophy. You can read more about that here.