Welcome to September!
I received some good news tonight; an abstract I was really excited about has been accepted. (I can’t share details yet, but I will as soon as I can!) It’s exciting not just because of the topic or the event itself, but because of the way the abstract submission required me to reach beyond what is normally expected. I put a lot of energy and intention into setting up my submission to meet the needs of the event organizers, and it paid off. I’m very glad I put the effort in because it’s really going to benefit a lot of people.
My speaking calendar is now full through February of 2024 and I’m booking for March 2024 and beyond. That’s such a good feeling.
I have a few more speaking engagements before the year is out, and I have an ongoing literature review underway for a talk I'll be doing in Feb. There's so much good research going on!
This week I'll be starting the new Bottle Breakthroughs course with Rachel O'Brien through Paperless Lactation; I'm really looking forward to this because as an IBCLC, I need to be fully competent and trained to support my clients who use bottles. This is such a great opportunity to get updates and new skills!
Next week I will have the distinct pleasure of watching one of my very dear friends, Adrienne Guirguis, present Live during the GOLD Tongue Tie Symposium!
Adrienne is an IBCLC and Certified Specialist in Orofacial Myology. She was first my La Leche League Leader when our children were young in the late 1990's and early 2000's. Later, we both became IBCLCs (on separate, but parallel paths.) Before long, we worked together in our local hospitals, and what I learned from her cannot be quantified. Now she running an extremely successful private practice where she cares for clients with all types of lactation scenarios and challenges to overcome. She is beloved by her clients for her ability to find the root cause of a problem and tease apart the layers. She continues to teach me all the time.
In late 2013 Adrienne and I traveled to northern California for a lactation conference, and on our way home, we were so inspired that we decided then and there to form a USLCA chapter AND to create and begin teaching a 45-hour lactation educator course. A week or so later, when the reality hit me and my confidence began to flag about the teaching and course creation part, I said to Adrienne “Who do we think we are, teaching other people about this?” She replied “Who is better qualified to teach others about lactation care? We do this work every day.”
The rest, as they say, is history, and it brings me to today. Everything about being a lactation consultant got better for me once I started teaching. I can't get enough of it, and I wouldn't be doing it if I hadn't had the confidence boost I got from Adrienne. She reminded me that the expertise we needed to be instructors was already part of what we did every day.
We all have that inside us: the ability to teach others about what we know is how we each make a difference and help others. Teaching looks different and comes in many forms, but teaching is absolutely something we can do, especially when we've been trained to support breastfeeding and lactation.
It's built into our Clinical Competencies.
When it comes to teaching online, sometimes we might need to add some additional skills and knowledge to make that happen. I've done a lot of work to improve my ability to teach, and that learning journey will never be over for me. I know we get into the groove of taking our continuing education and CERPs to keep our lactation expertise sharp, but we can also grow immensely from taking the time to build out our complementary skills and knowledge.
My next step on that journey starts soon, and I’d love to invite you to join me inside Amy Porterfield’s private LIVE community called Course Confident: A LIVE Bootcamp to Get Digital Course Clarity, Attract Your Audience, and Show up with Confidence Online.
Inside this private community, Amy will be going live to help you cement the foundations of your own digital course. I’m so proud to be partnering with Amy to offer you - and join you inside! - this opportunity.
What you might teach
What you’d be able to charge (based on examples across TONS of industries)
How to structure your course content (the way she teaches you to do this is really fun and you will take her process and continue using it for a lot of things in your life!)
How to grow an audience NOW that’s ready to enroll when you’re ready to launch
And A LOT more.
You’ll be learning alongside an exclusive community of people just like yourself who are exploring online education as a means to expand what they offer and make a bigger impact.
And I’ll be there too, helping you and sharing my own insights every step of the way. I have course ideas, thoughts on marketing and how to tie your course into your specific lactation business, why a course can be the best marketing for your practice, social media ideas, and so much more.
ALLLLL of that for $47. ( Are you kidding me?! )
If you’re a HECK YES on digital courses – or even an “I’m intrigued…” – click here to save your seat for Course Confident with Amy and me.
Amy over-delivers every single time, and I’ll be in the group looking out for you the whole time.
(AND – we’re going to have A LOT of fun in the process.)
I REALLY hope you will join me - it's going to be amazing and by the end of the Live Bootcamp, we'll have course assets (which are actually BUSINESS assets) in hand and ready to put into action as soon as we are ready!
Warmest regards,
Your Lactation Career Coach
P.S. You can work with me and learn in these ways: