I am so pleased to be able to say…The First 100 Hours Masterclass course is now available!
Click the graphic for details!
It’s hard for me to put into words how happy I am to be able to share this new course with you.
It’s so updated and so much better.
I’ve re-recorded the entire thing; the slides are new, and I’ve added an Audio Only option for you.
I have a feeling that those of you who have already been through the course will be interested in the Audio Only version!
But the key part is this: last year, I invested in a course about building curriculum.
What I learned in that course allowed me to turn The First 100 Hours Masterclass into a much better learning experience.
Part of that experience is a Community right within the learning hub where we can hold discussions, ask questions, share general case stories, etc.
Between the new videos, new audio option, and Community, plus the new content that I have added, you’re really going to get a lot out of this course.
I’ve added a lot of insights about connecting this practice of holistic early lactation care into the work that all of us are doing with clients and patients.
It is my hope that our collective willingness to put this strategy into practice will make an impact on the world.
Thank you for being on this journey with me, and please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!
P.S. Everything in the First 100 Hours Masterclass is now updated: the videos, the forms and downloads - it’s all new.
The certificate of completion lists 8 L-CERPs you can earn from this course as well as the DCO categories to which you could apply them.
If you need anything more detailed for purposes of submitting it for continuing education, please let me know.
I am pursuing ways to have the course offer continuing education for nurses; if you are able to help me with that, I’d appreciate hearing from you!
I am also planning to reach out to hospitals and birth facilities to help them consider how this type of learning could impact their practices and their ability to achieve or maintain BFHI designation.
Thanks again! - C
Hi Christine, for the life of me I couldn’t figure out where to join Evolve coaching for lactation professionals. And I finally became a paid subscriber to your Substack today. Just had to ask. Will I also get access to the Masterclass?