Oh, so good, Mary! It’s so counter to all of the Western cultural messaging new parents hear. It’s like a constant wave of being told your baby is someone you have to change and control instead of accepting and living with their needs.
 The toughest truth or truths I think are the ones that involve normal biological infant behaviors. Trying to get across -no, your baby is not using you as a pacifier, or your baby is not manipulating you to feed in the middle of the night etc. Your baby needs you, plain and simple. It’s a biologically hardwired instinct for your baby to be held, nursed, nurtured.  Yes, it can be hard, but it can also be one of the biggest joys of your life. Or as an old saying goes, “the hardest job you’ll ever love.”
thats one of my favorite topics to educate on!! so many of my clients have moms or grandmas who are telling them "dont spoil the baby"! i explain it like this: your baby doesnt know we dont live in the ages of hunter/gatherers. the safest place they KNOW is you, its hardwired into their brains. if you set them down, they think "IM GONNA GET EATEN BY A SABER TOOTH TIGER. i better CRY so someone gets me and keeps me safe!!" and i also love the angle of educating them about building the foundations for a secure attachment, every time you respond to the baby's needs - they know they will be taken care of, this will raise independent and secure little humans that will go out into the world and know that they always have you at home, to be there when they come back :)
i feel like a huge issue is that we order breast pumps for everyone. because they are free. because the ACA decided - oh we wont actually give families real lactation support, time off, or paid family leave - we will just make sure they all get a free breast pump so they can go back to work after 3 wks and the crushing machine of capitalism can keep rolling. :(
Pumping is breastfeeding, it’s not nursing, we are still meeting parents where they are and fed is best did a damn good job at making parents think that EBF would harm or even kill their baby :( so we’re undoing years of manipulation and misinformation from an organization with an IBCLC on staff!
Oh, so good, Mary! It’s so counter to all of the Western cultural messaging new parents hear. It’s like a constant wave of being told your baby is someone you have to change and control instead of accepting and living with their needs.
 The toughest truth or truths I think are the ones that involve normal biological infant behaviors. Trying to get across -no, your baby is not using you as a pacifier, or your baby is not manipulating you to feed in the middle of the night etc. Your baby needs you, plain and simple. It’s a biologically hardwired instinct for your baby to be held, nursed, nurtured.  Yes, it can be hard, but it can also be one of the biggest joys of your life. Or as an old saying goes, “the hardest job you’ll ever love.”
thats one of my favorite topics to educate on!! so many of my clients have moms or grandmas who are telling them "dont spoil the baby"! i explain it like this: your baby doesnt know we dont live in the ages of hunter/gatherers. the safest place they KNOW is you, its hardwired into their brains. if you set them down, they think "IM GONNA GET EATEN BY A SABER TOOTH TIGER. i better CRY so someone gets me and keeps me safe!!" and i also love the angle of educating them about building the foundations for a secure attachment, every time you respond to the baby's needs - they know they will be taken care of, this will raise independent and secure little humans that will go out into the world and know that they always have you at home, to be there when they come back :)
i feel like a huge issue is that we order breast pumps for everyone. because they are free. because the ACA decided - oh we wont actually give families real lactation support, time off, or paid family leave - we will just make sure they all get a free breast pump so they can go back to work after 3 wks and the crushing machine of capitalism can keep rolling. :(
Pumping is breastfeeding, it’s not nursing, we are still meeting parents where they are and fed is best did a damn good job at making parents think that EBF would harm or even kill their baby :( so we’re undoing years of manipulation and misinformation from an organization with an IBCLC on staff!