Sitemap - 2023 - Evolve Lactation

Bringing you all in close one more time before the year ends

The destructive power of the American journalistic playbook on breastfeeding

Final Group Coaching Call of 2023!

Making the most of your lactation-specific clinical experience

Getting together this Friday!

Why Didn't I Think of That?

It's hard to talk about formula

Let's get together on Friday!

A full fall welcome & embrace

Invite a lactation friend to read Evolve Lactation with you!

Being absurdly serious about lactation

A holistic approach to building resilience in your lactation career

What do you want to change when you grow up?

Lactation care of the late preterm baby is different

Prenatal Class Topic Ideas for Improved Marketing

Maybe this baby only needs more time

Venturing Into A Different Space

My Learning Journey Continues...

The Big Reset: The earliest hours of lactation

Understand, Accept, Transform

Shifting Power in the Lactation Experience

Finding Ways to Trick Lactation Care Providers

It seems so simple

Why "Evolve Lactation"?

an origin story

Work from Scars, Not Wounds

Unpopular opinion time, but bear with me for a sec

making more milk with less stuff

why we, ourselves, need post-lactation counseling

Invite your friends to read Evolve Lactation with Christine Staricka IBCLC

Transforming the Modern Breastfeeding Experience

Arguing about long-term outcomes or demanding what we can use NOW

Why aren't we in all the rooms yet?

This just gets better and better...

Happy World Human Milk Donation Day!

Nuance and The Truth in Lactation Support

Your lactation clients want to be heard

Day 6 of Insights - 7 Things Every New IBCLC Needs to Know

Day 5 of Insights - 7 Things Every New IBCLC Needs to Know

Day 4 of Insights - 7 Things Every New IBCLC Needs to Know

Day 3 of Insights - 7 Things Every New IBCLC Needs to Know

Day 2 of Insights - 7 Things Every New IBCLC Needs to Know

Insights - 7 Things Every New IBCLC Needs to Know

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Can you do this work alone?